In the year 2048, a dictator known as the Grandmaster rules the world with an iron fist. Under his rule, the world has become a living, breathing nightmare. Because of a massive population explosion, starvation and constant war has reduced the world to rubble. As a result, the environment has fallen to pieces, generating new diseases and creating genetic mutations. The place we once called home has become a vile cesspool of crime, drugs and human experimentation. Corrupt politicians have absolute power; companies devote their time to committing large-scale crimes and destroying any means of hope. Anyone that opposes these baddies or the Grandmaster is met with severe penalties and repercussions. The world has become a void of darkness...
Genre: | Action |
Release Month: | 12 |
Release Year: | 2000 |
Developer: | Capcom Production Studio 1 & Capcom Production Studio 2 |
Publisher: | Virgin Interactive |
Serial: | SLES-02867 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |